service provider for mail customer service

Forgot your password? No worries! If you've forgotten the password for your AOL Mail account, follow the steps below to reset your account with a new password.
  1. Visit
  2. On the Sign In screen, under the Password box, click the Forgot Password? link.
  3. Enter your AOL Username or email address in the Username or Email field.

  4. Click Next
  5. We'll need to verify that this account belongs to you. Click one of the headings below depending on the confirmation option you choose.
Reset password using the recovery email
1. Click Next. You will receive an email on your recovery email address with instructions to reset the password.

2. Click Close.

3. Log into your recovery email address.

4. Locate the email titled Request to reset your password and open it.

5. Click the Reset Password button.

6. Type in your new password and click Save.

Note: In some cases you may be asked to choose an additional option. If you need further assistance, please call AOL Customer Support Team at 1-800-827-6364 Monday through Friday between 8AM to 1AM ET, and Saturday between 8AM and 10PM ET.
Reset password using the 'Text' or 'Call' options
1. Enter the recovery phone number that is listed on your account and click Next.

2. Select either Text or Call depending on your preference. Depending on the option that you choose here, you'll either receive the verification code by text message or call.

3. Type in the code you received into Enter Code box and click Next.

4. Type in your new password and click Save.

Note: In some cases you may be asked to choose an additional option. If you need further assistance, please call AOL Customer Support Team at 1-800-827-6364 Monday through Friday between 8AM to 1AM ET, and Saturday between 8AM and 10PM ET.
Reset password using another verification option
1. Click Try another verification options.

2. Click Answer security question and verify profile information.

3. Fill in the forms with your profile information and click Next.

4. Type in your new password and click Save.

Note: In some cases you may be asked to choose an additional option. If you need further assistance, please call AOL Customer Support Team at 1-800-827-6364 Monday through Friday between 8AM to 1AM ET, and Saturday between 8AM and 10PM ET.
Reset password by verifying payment information
1. Click Verify payment information.

2. Fill in the forms with your payment information and click Next.

3. Type in your new password and click Save.

Note: In some cases you may be asked to choose an additional option. If you need further assistance, please call AOL Customer Support Team at 1-800-827-6364 Monday through Friday between 8AM to 1AM ET, and Saturday between 8AM and 10PM ET.
Note: If another window pops up asking for your name, age, etc., don't be alarmed! If it's been a while since you last updated your account profile, we may take this opportunity to ask you to fill out any information we currently don't have on file.


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